Would you like more harmony in your workplace? In this workshop we will learn about our different personality types and resultant communication styles and apply it to our team to improve communication and synergy.
We will learn about the natural differences in outlook that people have and how this results in differing needs and behaviours. We find out how to adapt our language, manner and approach to improve the effectiveness of our interpersonal communication and increase tolerance and team cohesion. We will learn to appreciate the contributions each member makes to the team process and the necessity of diversity. We will also analyse the type of the team, consider how well balanced it is, where the gaps are and how these can be addressed. At the end of this session we will understand ourselves and our teammates and have a targeted communication plan for each of our colleagues.
“We had fun, we laughed and we were quite stunned at some of the insights we were shown. Our service has been enhanced by a newfound confidence and mutual cooperation. Our team has gelled like never before and I see them actively using the skills they learnt.”
Grant Bettjeman, Bettjemans
We will learn about the natural differences in outlook that people have and how this results in differing needs and behaviours. We find out how to adapt our language, manner and approach to improve the effectiveness of our interpersonal communication and increase tolerance and team cohesion. We will learn to appreciate the contributions each member makes to the team process and the necessity of diversity. We will also analyse the type of the team, consider how well balanced it is, where the gaps are and how these can be addressed. At the end of this session we will understand ourselves and our teammates and have a targeted communication plan for each of our colleagues.
“We had fun, we laughed and we were quite stunned at some of the insights we were shown. Our service has been enhanced by a newfound confidence and mutual cooperation. Our team has gelled like never before and I see them actively using the skills they learnt.”
Grant Bettjeman, Bettjemans
® Myers-Briggs Type Indicator & MBTI® are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust in the United States and other countries.
TM Strong Interest Inventory is a registered trademark of Consulting Psychologists Press, inc.
TM Strong Interest Inventory is a registered trademark of Consulting Psychologists Press, inc.